
Revenue entries are one of the most, if not the THE most important entries in the MIPS Treasurer System, and there are several different types. Miscellaneous Receipts are generally used to keep track of money coming into the county funds. Disbursements are the opposite, they record when money is paid out of the county funds. Journal Entries are used primarily for any corrections that may need to be done and any money being transferred between different funds. The Revenues screen is where existing entries can be edited or deleted, or new revenue entries can be added. Keep in mind that only revenue entries that have yet to be posted to the Chart of Accounts are able to be edited or deleted.

Entering Revenue Entries

The Process for entering revenue entries is fairly straight forward. To begin, open the Revenues screen from the Main Menu. Clicking on the Add button in the toolbar will create a blank Revenue record that can be edited.

Revenue Screen
Revenue Screen with New Revenue Entry

Starting at the top left of the screen, the first thing to do is to ensure the date for the new revenue entry is correct, as this will determine the date of the business. Then fill out the description, change the revenue type if applicable, the received from/disbursed to, and payment method. By default the type of the new Revenue entry will be Miscellaneous Receipt as this is the most common. Once that information is filled out, it's time to enter the line items. To add a new line item to the revenue record, click the Add button next to the Line Items heading. This will open the Add Line Item screen.

Line Item Entry Screen
Line Item Entry Screen

This screen prompts for a specific account and the dollar amount going into or out of that account. By default the fund, department, and function fields will auto advance if the length of the numbers are 4, 3, and 2 respectively. For example if the fund number was fund 100, "0100" could be used to auto advance instead of having to use the TAB key to advance to the next field. However, this auto advancing option can be turned off from the Options Screen. Additionally, the Find button can be used to select a specific account from the Chart of Accounts if the fund, department, and function are not readily available.

Once the account and amount have been filled out, pressing Add will commit that line item to the revenue entry and reset the screen back to the Fund field for quick access to enter another line item. If no other line items are required, click the X in the upper right hand corner of the screen to close the Add Line Item screen.

Special Breakdowns

There are a few special cases when creating revenue entries that are broken down the same every time. Most of these scenarios have a tool that can be utilized located under the Tools section of the Revenues menu. Things like the Real Estate Tax Credit and Homestead are a couple of examples. Most of these tools rely on information from the Districts and Authorities records that are entered into the system. For example, the Homestead Breakdown tool can distribute the homestead amounts correctly to each district using the total homestead value for that district which is stored on the District record. For more information about a specific tool, follow one of the links below:

Revenue IDs

Revenue IDs are different for each type of revenue entry. These can be set from the Options Screen. Each number will automatically increment when a new revenue of that type is added, however, the system will not automatically change the numbers when the month changes.

Options Screen
The options screen showing the Revenue IDs settings
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