Real Estate Tax Credit

This guide will provide step by step instructions on receipting and distributing the Real Estate Tax Credit amounts to the appropriate districts. For purposes of this guide, the total amount received will be $675,345.65.

  1. When the money is received, receipt the entire amount into 9504-344-05 with a Miscellaneous Receipt.
    Tax Credit Miscellaneous Receipt
    Tax Credit Miscellaneous Receipt
  2. Once the Miscellaneous Receipt has been entered, click the "Tools" menu on the Revenue screen and select "Real Estate Tax Credit".
    Revenue Screen Tools Menu
    Revenue Screen Tools Menu
  3. This should open the Real Estate Tax Credit Wizard.  On the first screen, enter the tax year to use for distributing the Tax Credit amount and the amount of the check.
    Real Estate Tax Credit Wizard
    Real Estate Tax Credit Wizard
  4. Clicking NEXT on the Setup page will display an overview of the pertinent information used to distribute the Tax Credit money. Additional information can be found by hovering the cursor over the information icons at the right. It is recommended to print the Detail Report to verify everything before clicking on the Create Revenue Entry button.
    Real Estate Tax Credit Overview
    Real Estate Tax Credit Overview
  5. Once the Create Tax Credit Revenue Entry button is clicked, the application will ask for a Revenue Entry Date to use. Clicking OK on this dialog will create a new Tax Credit revenue entry with the date selected.
    Revenue Date Selection
    Revenue Date Selection

Successfully creating the revenue entry concludes the processing of the Real Estate Tax Credit Distribution.


The Real Estate Tax Credit Wizard allows for the ability to perform a manual distribution of Real Estate Tax Credit money by manual entry. Toggling the Manual Entry option on the Setup page will navigate to the Manual Entry step when clicking the NEXT button.

Real Tax Credit Wizard Manual Entry
Real Tax Credit Wizard Manual Entry
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