MIPS Budget Integration

When figuring the county budget for the next year, the MIPS Budget system requires some information from the County Treasurer.  This information can be transferred from the Treasurer's system to the Clerk's system with a few clicks.  Similarly, after the budget has been adopted the budgeted amounts can be populated on each county fund record in the Treasurer's system.


In order for information to be transferred correctly, the network address of the Clerk's AS400 system must first be populated in the Clerk portion under the Integration menu of the Options screen.  The below image shows an example IP address.  This will be different for each county.

The Options screen showing the Clerk Integration options
The Options screen showing the Clerk Integration options.

Push Budget Amounts To Clerk

It is important that the Clerk has already rolled the budget amounts to the new year before starting this process.  Check with the County Clerk to make sure they are ready for the Treasurer values.  Once the clerk has rolled the budget amounts on the AS400 system, it is ready to receive the Revenue data from the Treasurer's system.

The Options screen showing the Clerk Integration options
The Push Budget Amounts dialog window.

Once set, values can be pushed to the Clerk's system using the Push Amounts To Budget option under the Tools section of the Chart of Accounts menu.  Set the date to use for calculating the values, and click START.  The process could take a couple minutes to complete.

Get Budget Amounts From Clerk

Once the budgeted amounts have been adopted. The new amounts can be pulled from the Clerk's budget system.  This can be done by choosing the Get Budget Amounts option from the Tools section of the Chart of Accounts menu.

The Get Budget dialog window
The Get Budget dialog window.
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